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Technology for enabling better client experience


The pharmaceutical landscape has made a progress in the field of precision medicines has opened up numerous possibilities to target different health maladies out of which major focus for precision health, rare genetic disorders, mutation spectrum of genetic and complex diseases which makes an array of opportunities for personalized medicine.

The current challenges of having semi-structured data to develop breakthrough therapies is still stagnant.

Our services​​

Practical challenges with genomic datasets containing semi-structured records layering with respect to its size & complexity while uncertainty in the interpretation of regulatory requirements for return of results....

The variation being less than 1% while comparing a healthy person Genome with a person having Genetic disorder as its needs a huge computation/processing to find the sequence of records to discover the variation patterns....

Genomic sequence can be Patient data analysis which can be performed combining the stage 1 records and stage 2 insights which helps for a drug discovery, Advance Personalization in healthcare & predict the hereditary diseases....


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The competitive landscape market for the Genomic insights & bioinformatics progression will boost the companies to excel their Diagnostics & Research Advancements resulting the spike in growth trajectory to Novel Pharma discoveries & Genetic solutions.

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Data Lake Preparation for Genomic Data (structured and un-structured) data from Medical Devices, Medical Records, Images and Insurance claims (Stage-1)


Developing models to show correlation between Genomic data and other set of data to provide greater insights into research findings (Stage-2)

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Genomic Data Analysis for faster Drug Discovery

@2022 Kushagramati Anaytics. All rights are reserved

We are ISO 9001:2015 certified company.

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